Kategorie Category: Personal life

Schellingstraße residence

POI Id:29

Schellingstraße 9

Photo of the residence in Eilbek’s Schellingstraße.
View of the corner building, beginning of the 1930s © Helmut Schmidt-Archiv

Move to Eilbek

Due to the financial impact of the Great Depression of 1929, the Schmidt family moves from Barmbek to a more affordable apartment (marked with a cross) on the other side of the canal. This means it takes longer for Helmut to get to school and to his weekly piano lesson, but he is now closer to his school friend and later wife, Hannelore »Loki« Glaser. In 1992, he recalls the »fights and gun battles« between National Socialist and Communist groups during the final years of the Weimar Republic. When the building is destroyed by an air raid in World War II, the couple already has an apartment in Gluckstraße – but this is also completely destroyed by a bombing.